Have you ever done something that you thought was a great way to glorify God and once it was completed, wondered if it really did what you had hoped for? Today was that day for me.
We have 40 women coming to Tabitha House on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. 40 women usually equal 40+ infants and small children. With that many little ones, the day starts in a bit of chaos and ends in a bit of chaos. The noise level can almost be deafening and it is hard to communicate information or directions. (Our number has decreased because some of the women thought it was going to be a full-time income and some of the Muslim faith have been forbidden to come).
We were given the idea of creating a gated area for the children of the women who come to Tabitha House to play in, freeing up the moms for their work and reducing the noise level. The work for the play area began immediately. Under the oversight of the local pastor, a concrete slab was poured, and metal railings were put in place to enclose the area. Today was the dedication day of our newly completed children’s play area. Simple decorations were added, and a hand-washing station was enclosed in the area so that the children could begin to learn about washing their hands. Each child came in one by one, washed their hands, received a cookie and orange drink and the toys we currently have were opened up to the them. What should have been a fun and exciting event in the continuing growth of Tabitha House was not at all what I experienced. As soon as the festivities began, children from all over the village began to arrive - they wanted a part of the fun and food. Those children were not allowed in the area because their moms do not attend Tabitha House, and so they watched through the metal railings. Watching those little ones peer through the railings with looks of disappointment and unhappiness had not even entered my mind as a possibility. You may be asking why those children were not allowed in the area. If we did, there would literally be hundreds that would show up, and in no time the area and toys would be destroyed and it would be dangerous for the little ones we have. It is a hard life in Sector 30 and that is reflected in how the people treat each other and in possessions. Although my mind knows the reasoning, my heart is really struggling. How can we be a beacon of God’s love when we turn those children away?
I am not the first one to deal with this struggle and I won’t be the last. I could pour every dollar I have and all the energy I could muster into this country and it would only be drop in the bucket. But I want that drop to count as an example of God’s love and somehow better the lives of people here as much as possible. So I’m not through with this dilemma. If you have a moment, please pray that God will provide wisdom and guidance on how we can make the play area a win-win situation for both the children of the women at Tabitha House as well as the children in the village of Sector 30 and that they can all experience His love.