Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Growing "Good" Problem

This morning I woke up and was immediately apprehensive about going to Tabitha House.  Didn't sleep much during the night and I felt very unprepared.  On Monday I thought it would be a smart thing to just leave all of the materials there and not tote them back and forth.  It didn't dawn on me until late yesterday that I had made a bit of a goof.  In order to get a running start today, I should've cut the magazine pages up so that the women could immediately start rolling beads, but everything was at Tabitha House.  So this morning I got into the car and started praying that God would be with me.  I always have a concern in my stomach that I really can't converse with the women and that can make it difficult to get a reading on what they are thinking or feeling, plus today I didn't feel prepared.  When I walked through the door there were 27 women ready and waiting - not counting Johasakim, myself and probably15 little ones.  We went around the room and had everyone say their name since we had four new women.  And then the magic began!  I gave the devotional and we prayed.  Without a hitch and like a well-oiled machine, the women broke up into groups either cutting magazine pages, rolling  beads, making sacks for the jewelry,  sewing placemats, or putting together a prototype of a cloth necklace we are going to try.  They are so excited and anxious to learn and just have to be shown once how to do something and off they go!  The video will give you an idea of the activity and the noise level.  I sat in amazement and watched God at work.  It was fantastic.

A funny note about the placemats - when we tried to explain what they were for the women were absolutely baffled.  They usually eat on a bench or sitting on a rock, rarely at a table, so they couldn't understand the concept of what a placemat would be used for.  I'll be the first one to admit that I use placemats in the United States, but today they seemed so frivolous and I felt a bit guilty about the excess we enjoy.  Fortunately though our excess will help fund their existence so there's a positive!

It's good that there are 4 days before we meet again on Monday because most of the supplies have been wiped out and need to be replenished, we are just about out of space to hold everyone and some thought needs to be done on how to organize the room, and there needs to be some planning as we grow faster than I ever anticipated. 

The women that come to Tabitha House are of varying religions and that excites me.  It is a great opportunity to introduce Jesus Christ to those who may not know Him, and give a boost to those who do.  The African way of praying is for everyone to pray out loud all at once.  Sounds kindof like a bee-hive.  What's interesting is that women like for me to pray in English and will ask me to do that periodically.

Some of you have asked me if there is anything you can do.  There are two things that would be tremendously helpful.  First is to remember the women in your prayers.  Second is to help buy materials and the best way to do that is to send a check made out to Engage Burkina to:
3522 Hiram-Acworth Hwy
Dallas, GA 30157
and mark it "Dee Dee's Ministry Funds".  Please know that I haven't and won't ask for funds.  This is just in answer to several requests.  And as an FYI - I'm not told who sends funds unless you specifically direct that.  In other words, you won't make me feel bad if this isn't something you're interested in!

On a personal note, I LOVE ice cream - Dairy Queen's M&M Blizzard is my favorite.  Ice cream is not easy to find around here and the one place we have gone to is called Festival de Glace.  I didn't know how to get there, so it made the obession for ice cream even greater.  Last night a group of us went there and I paid very close attention to directions.  I am thrilled to say that I drove there by myself this afternoon and enjoyed two scoops of ice cream!  When it's 100 degrees, nothing tastes as good as ice cream.


  1. The video is awesome. Such a transformation from when we visited in March.

  2. Very, very exciting! I can hear the excitement of the "beehive" from here. I know these women are falling in love with you, your passion for God, your caring and supportive ways. Blessings, Ambassador Sterling! See you soon.

  3. We take many things for granted - including ice cream. God Bless you and the women and children to whom you minister.

  4. You are truly walking "WITH" these women, and they are excited for your friendship and love. God can do great things when we give ourselves---He is glorified. Blessings, Dee Dee. Janet
