Sunday, June 6, 2021

Teaching With Goats and Roosters

Today I presented a lesson on God's Love in Creation -- in French!  Fortunately the woman who was translating from French to Moore understood what I was saying.  I asked the women to memorize Gen. 1:31a - "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good."  Most can't read, so Suzanne repeated it in Moore until they had it down.  They are a competitive group!  When I said there would be something special on Monday for anyone who could recite it perfectly, they worked and worked on it.

There were two new faces today:


 I had printed the pictures of the women from Monday with their names.  They got a big kick at how I had misspelled them.  These are probably incorrect as well, and will be edited as soon as I get the correct spelling.

I also tried to greet them in Moore this morning: "Ne y yibeogo".  They looked at me with puzzled expressions until Suzanne figured out what I was trying to say and they got a big kick out of that as well!

If you live in a mud hut with a dirt floor, no electricity and no running water the perspective on life is very different.  When one of the babies start to urinate, they are held out over the floor since Pampers don't exist in Sector 30.  The mother then takes a small straw hand broom to spread the puddle out so that it will dry more quickly.  The floors are dirty to begin with and this adds another layer to the problem of sanitation.  Then the moms put the babies down on the same floors to sit, lay or crawl.  Remember too that goats and chickens have also been walking on that floor.  It is difficult to watch, but these moms have no concept of germs and what they can do to their children.  Hopefully in our sanitation lessons we can start to work on this.

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