Monday, March 11, 2013

National Women's Day at Tabitha House

Today was one of the best days of my life.  We celebrated National Women's Day at Tabitha House.  For over three hours, we sang, danced, laughed, ate and praised God.  The noise level of the laughter and singing was so high you couldn't carry on a conversation.  The women took turns singing songs, accompanied by one of the women on the bongo drum.  Whenever singing would start, so would dancing and clapping.  Have to say, I've never seen such hip action!  I'm very  happy to know that as I tried to dance, there are no incriminating videos!  I don't even know how they can shake it like they do! 

Several women cooked a huge pot of noodles and I brought spaghetti sauce, bread and cookies.  I'm not sure how many people we fed - the noise had attracted quite a few from around the center (especially children) but I'm sure it was close to 150.

We closed the day by distributing a 50 lb bag of rice to each woman.  That means that at least for the next month they will have food.

You know one of the coolest things about the day?  They didn't want to go home.  They were having so much fun that they just wanted to continue singing and dancing.  But the best for me was being with them.  When you look at all those faces, there is not one woman that I can talk with - they all speak a language very different than mine.  We don't talk with words, but with love.  What an incredible group of women!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing... every time I read your blog I remember what a special person you are and how God has given you a huge heart and a BIG purpose!!
