Monday, April 29, 2013

Saving Babies, Continued

In February's blog called "Saving Babies," a team led by Herb Buwalda of Clay Church happened upon two little babies that were literally starving to death.  They had gone five days without any nourishment when we happened upon them in Pondue.  With the help of Vickie Nevel and Karen Grant, we were first able to give them some water, and then when John Arnold returned with formula he found at the next village, they had their first meal.

This past week-end their father graduated from the school at Pondue.  Here is how his little babies look now:

 Isn't God wonderful?


  1. Amazing! Thanks for the update, DeeDee. What a difference. I'm so happy to see they're doing well.

  2. Amazing to think how Gods timing worked in the lives of these two babies.
